# execute the regular profile . ~/.profile #Fix the fact that sometimes I cannot type and turn on the very cool bash features shopt -s cdspell shopt -s checkhash shopt -s hostcomplete shopt -s nocaseglob function ps() { if [ `uname -s` = "FreeBSD" ] ; then if [ "$1" = "-ef" ] ; then /bin/ps waux $* else /bin/ps $* fi else /bin/ps $* fi } function wc-() { if [ "$1" = "l" ] ; then wc -l fi } function l() { if [ "$1" = "s-la" ] ; then ls -la $2 elif [ "$1" = "s-al" ] ; then ls -la $2 else ls fi } function ls-() { if [ "$1" = "la" ] ; then ls -la $2 elif [ "$1" = "al" ] ; then ls -la $2 fi } function meg() { kb=`du -k -s | awk '{ print $1 }'` echo $kb/1024 | bc -l } if [ "$HOSTNAME" = "elmo.op.net" ] ; then if [ ! "`ps | grep exceptional | grep -v grep`" ] ; then # not already logged into elmo echo "about to watch the exceptional log... " echo "CTRL-C to stop.." x=5 while [ $x -ge 0 ] ; do echo "$x.." sleep 1 x=$(($x-1)) done tail -f /var/logs/exceptional elif [ ! "`ps | grep daemon | grep -v grep`" ] && [ ! "`ps | grep -v '\ grep\ ' | grep "egrep \'(capri)|(gozo)|(malta)\'"`" ] ; then echo "about to watch the daemon log for NS servers.." echo "CTRL-C to stop.." x=5 while [ $x -ge 0 ] ; do echo "$x.." sleep 1 x=$(($x-1)) done tail -f /var/logs/daemon | egrep '(capri)|(gozo)|(malta)' fi fi # If possible, start the windows system #if [ `tty` = "/dev/console" ] ; then # if [ "$TERM" = "sun" -o "$TERM" = "AT386" ] ; then # # if [ ${OPENWINHOME:-""} = "" ] ; then # OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin # export OPENWINHOME # fi # # echo "" # echo "Starting OpenWindows in 5 seconds (type Control-C to interrupt)" # sleep 5 # echo "" # $OPENWINHOME/bin/openwin # # clear # get rid of annoying cursor rectangle # exit # logout after leaving windows system # fi #fi